Collect America

Collect America is one of the leading debt collection agencies. Collect America recently renamed itself as Square Two Financial. Collect America came into existence in 1994. The appearance of Collect America on your credit report repeatedly drags your credit score down. Your credit worthiness becomes questionable in the eyes of creditors.
Collection agencies are normally known for their deceive tactics and harassing behavior, the same case is with Collect America. They are infamous for practicing immoral ways in effort to recover debts. They put pressure on consumers by regular phone calls and threats. With the help of these cruel tactics they may even push you to acknowledge the debts that do not belong to you. Never ever acknowledge the debts without ensuring the validity of debt ownership.
If Collect America is following you to collect the debts with expired Statute of Limitations (SOL) look to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act which serves to regulate collection agencies. For instance, it can stop agencies from contacting consumers after expiration of SOL period. You should force collection agency not to harass you for collections as SOL period has expired. May times, Collection America plays a trick to push you for at least some little payments in an effort to reactivate your account. Do not be fooled by their false tactics. Knowing that the SOL has expired is a great weapon in your hand to fight against old bad debts.
Credit repair law firms are ideal option in cases where you have negative marks placed by Collect America. They help consumers remove the negative marks and rebuild credit scores. They fight against collection agency with their experience and professional expertise. You can search for reliable credit repair firms in your local area or look for them over the net. You may consider if you are searching for a reputable credit repair firm.